In record time (24hrs) most men have heard about the ad slur and begun to #BoycottGillette - thanks Proctor and Gamble! (They own the Gillette brand).
Unfortunately the main alternative (IMHO) Dollar Shave Club who built their business with a hilarious online marketing video - was purchased by Unilever in 2016 for $1bn from the smart guy who started it - and the main competition against them now is Harry's run by 2 serious Mangina's - so what is the choice?
Grow a beard.
Sydney MGTOW had a good run-down but I really enjoyed Mark Dice's take:
UPDATE (Jan 16, 2019): I have learnt that old U.S brand-name Barbasol was acquired from Pfizer in 2016 and re-launched by a God-fearing family businessman in Ohio. If this is not MAGA I don't know what is.
AND they have a Dollar Shave Club!
Plus there has been an amazing avalanche of videos from every single Conservative commentator on the web PLUS Tucker Carlsen on Fox!