Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Counter-Feminist presents a case

This is link to excellent (but long 1:37 h:m) compilation by now underground Counter-Feminist Christy0Misty (from I believe the rabidly infested blue/feminist state of Wisconsin).  She makes some excellent points - and ends with an remarkable challenge - and this was in 2009?


Another egregious example of False Allegations jails innocent man 19mths

This terrible injustice was covered in a San Diego CA newscast.

He was facing 35 years because of baseless claims made by a drug-addicted women who was actually 23 with 3 kids and was well known to police.


Saturday, December 19, 2015

Official Feminists in Canada - blink

Official Feminists in Canada - blink

68% of Canadian women don’t call themselves a feminist

Of course - even those numbers don't seem right - except that the traditional readership of one of Canada's premiere magazine titles could have stated it smugly as "32% of Canadian Women reaffirm commitment to Feminism".  The actual title represents an effort to "jinn-up" their diminishing readership base and create an opportunity to prop-up that failing brand by repeating the feminist mantra - ad nausium.  Only a few years ago that figure was 20% (although that was from a properly represented sample and not one as self-selectively biased as Chatelaine).

But the cover - 40 almost exclusively white, middle-aged, middle-class women - gave it away - despite the accompanying video with primped and edgy avowels and a few honest, questioning souls.

No, this was a swan song "call to defend" the gynocentric ubercult - which seems finally to be finding itself under cultural siege - despite help from "the Dauphin" Trudeau.  His Chief of Staff'Katy Telfords solution to waning popularity?  Double-down!

More of us should call ourselves Feminists!

Friday, December 18, 2015

NS Dad ordered to pay one of largest Custody Awards ever

Mother wins $13.4 million in child support settlement from Nova Scotia developer after lengthy court battle.

Hard to tell exactly what precipitated such a large award - but clearly the Dad was not incented to litigate the case.  He decamped some time ago and appears negotiated with his Ex from the safety of a foreign country without an enforceable extradition treaty with Canada. 

And he was a millionaire. 

That helps.

Not sure I trust the rather biased article given most commentary was from Mom's lawyer.

What needs to asked is - does this kind of award indicate Canada is no better/worse than other international jurisdiction like London UK or Florida/California USA when it comes to insane child custody awards? 
